Friday, December 28, 2012

Motor Mouth Begins

   Welcome, This is going to be fun! First off, Let's start with this name. When I was very young I was always called motor mouth. I loved to talk and was not afraid to divulge vital information pertaining to my siblings and their constant adventures. I have since began to use this special skill to my own advantage. (And, yours)

      I will be bringing you some of the most awesome deals I run across during my day to day life of online shopping and couponing. I have a lot of fun doing crafts and trying my hand at couponing. I am still kind of new in the coupon department so if anyone has any tips for me I would love to hear them. I am open to any honest criticism just please be tactful. (I am only human)

      Now, About me and my family. I am a housewife and mother of 3. I try to be frugal in some areas of the household because, well I will be honest, I want to splurge on myself sometimes. I feel that if I keep costs down around the house and make a little extra money with my crafts then I can splurge on goodies for me with less guilt. ;-)  Sounds good right?!?! I think so!

      I really enjoy watching YouTube videos and have grown very fond of Renolyn. I have ordered my first Julep Maven box and waiting on that right now! I am very curious of the subscription boxes. I will probably be trying out more of them for sure. Popsugar is my next one to try I believe. I will also post reviews of certain products I try and feel need a shout about. ;-)

       You can bet that in the near future I will be posting some awesome posts for you to check out. You can also bet that the first few.... hundred.... posts will not be perfect since I am new to this. Please stick with me though I will get better I promise!  Welcome to Motor Mouth Speaks.

1 comment:

  1. You are so sweet girl! Can't wait to see your reviews!
